The Environment.
Lesson 1. Pollution
Intensive English Centre (IEC)
Balga Senior High School
This week we will start learning about The Environment.
We will talk about how pollution hurts nature and why sustainability is important. You will learn about different types of pollution, what causes them, and how we can fix these problems.

There are 4 activities to do this week. These activities will help you practice reading, writing, speaking, and listening. Each activity will include:
  • Instructions: Steps to follow.
  • Essential Activity: The main task to learn new things.
  • Show Your Understanding: A place to show what you learned.
Start by watching the introduction video. It will explain this week's topic and show you how to complete the activities.
Welcome to our lesson
Natalia Kirilina
How important do you think this topic is to study?
Not important at all
Extremely important