Reading activity
Read this two part of text.
The environment is everything around us. We need to take care of our environment. But sometimes people do things that are bad for them.
Here are five examples of this:
1. Traffic – too many cars are on the road, which makes the air dirty.
2. Sewage – this goes into rivers and kills fish.
3. Oil spills happen in the sea and kill birds and fish.
4. Factory smoke goes into the air and causes acid rain.
5. Plastic waste – this goes into the sea and kills animals like turtles.
Most countries produce too much pollution. This is when there are a lot of dangerous chemicals in the air, water, or land.
Pollution can come from factories, cars, and farming.
For example, farmers use pesticides to kill insects on their crops.
These chemicals can get into the soil and water and cause pollution.
There are many ways we can help the environment. We can recycle things like paper, glass, and plastic.
Instead of using cars, we can walk, cycle, or take public transport.
We can also plant more trees.
Some people think we can make a big difference if everyone plants one tree.

Read this the third part of text aloud. Record yourself.
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